Publisher: ArtScroll Publications
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Rabbi Shmuel Berkovicz taught so much -- and meant so much -- to so many.
"... he didn’t just dance, he jumped with joy. And not only when he danced. He had a certain jump when he davened ... when he taught ..."
A dedicated rebbi and menahel. A beloved rav of his Passaic kehillah. A compassionate father to yesomim. An expert in shalom bayis issues. And a friend, a yedid? That, Reb Shmuel was ... to every single Yid.
"He called so many 'yedidi ahuvi, my beloved friend,' because they all were his beloved friend. As one of his many admirers imparted, 'I knew he probably had numerous yedidim ahuvim, beloved friends, but that didn’t detract from the love he had for me.’"
Yes, everyone’s YEDID!
Reb Shmuel was an incomparable mechanech. In this engaging biography by Rabbi Yechiel Spero, his very life becomes a powerful lesson to all of us. In story after story told about him by the people who loved him -- and there are so many! -- we learn lessons in how to raise well-balanced and happy children or students. More: we learn how to raise ourselves up, how to fill ourselves with simchah, with caring and compassion for others, with enthusiasm and fervor for Torah -- and for life.
"... he made us into mentchen ..."
Reb Shmuel touched -- and enriched -- thousands of lives. Read this absorbing biography and see how he can enrich your life as well.
Part of Adult Biographies and Jewish Memoirs
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 444
Language: English
Publisher: ArtScroll / Mesorah
Release Date: 04/07/2022
ISBN-10: 1422631338
ISBN #: 9781422631331
Yedidi [Hardcover]
Rabbi Shmuel Berkovicz's warmth and care inspired people to strive for greatness
By: Rabbi Yechiel Spero

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