Publisher: ArtScroll Publications
Hurry, Friday's a Short Day: One boy's erev Shabbat in Jerusalem's old city
by Yeshara Gold and Yaacov Harlap (illustrator)
Product Description
Hurry, Friday's a Short Day: One boy's erev Shabbat in Jerusalem's old city
Raffi and his family live in the Old City of Jerusalem, in a 600-year old house built by the Turks.
It's Erev Shabbat - the day before Shabbat - in Raffi's Jerusalem. There is a lot to do and there's hardly enough time in which to do it.
Raffi's a big boy - and like all big boys he wants to help his Abba and Imma. But Raffi is also five years old - and like all five-year-olds he is curious, restless, and always on the go.
Friday is a short day, a day without enough minutes in it. But whatever minutes there are, Raffi fills them with busy and even exciting activity.
So let's take our camera in hand and follow him around - from his 600 - year old house with three - foot-thick walls, to the kotel, the mikveh, the fruit and the vegetable store, the synagogue and lots of other places.
Yes, Friday is a short day, but it's lots of fun with Raffi around. So let's take a deep breath and follow him.
ISBN-10: 1578195411
ISBN-13: 9781578195411
Binding: Hardcover / Pages: 31
Dimensions: 8 1/2" x 11"
Published: by ArtScroll / Mesorah
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