Publisher: Israel Book Shop
Where Has Zaidy Gone?
Goldy Learns about Loss and Shivah
By Mirel C. Gruber, LMSW
Product Description
Goldy's Zaidy was just niftar, and Goldy has so many questions. Where did Zaidy go? Why are people coming over to their house a whole day? Why are the grownups sitting on very low chairs? Why can't Mommy take Goldy to school?
It takes a wise and loving Bubby to explain to Goldy exactly what happened and where Zaidy has gone.
In this warm and reassuring book, the concept of death, a levayah, and shivah are brought down to a child's level of understanding. The book gently explores the Jewish view of this sensitive topic in a way that is both clear and non-threatening to children.
By: Mirel C. Gruber
SKU: C439
Author: Mirel C. Gruber
Dimensions: 7" X 10"
Format: Hardcover
Illustrator: Racheli Edelstein
ISBN: 978-1-60091-357-0
Length: 24
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
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