Publisher: Tfutza Publications
On Stormy Seas Comics Story [Hardcover]
By: M. Safra
Illustrated by: Yaakov Hanon
Product Description
Dear children,
The Time: World War II.
The Place: Salonika, Greece.
The cursed Nazis, who had set the dreadful goal of destroying the Jewish people reached Salonika, and its Jews were in real danger. Against all odds and despite many obstacles, brothers Moshe and David try to save their own lives and the lives of other children. Will they succeed? Come find out in this book filled with suspense, adventure, and important lessons in Emunah and Bitachon in Hashem - who decides every single thing that happens! So what are you waiting for? Let's go...
Sixth in an exciting series of comics for children and teens based on the suspense novels of Shmuel Argaman, the bestselling author from Eretz Yisrael.
Author: M. Safra
Dimensions: 6.5" X 9.25"
Format: Hardcover
Illustrator: Yaakov Hanon
ISBN: 978-1-60091-713-4
Length: 136
Media: Book
Publisher: Tfutza Publications
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