Publisher: Kehot Publication Society
The point of this book is to internalize everything we know and learn about serving Hashem with joy, so that it will be in actuality an inseparable part of our lives.
Binding: Paperback
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 80
Language: English
Publisher: Primedia eLaunch LLC
Published date: Mar 7, 2022
ISBN: 9798886277272
Gateway to the City of Trust [Paperback]
Stories, Illustrations, and Practical Tips for Living with Joy and Trust in Hashem
Comprised of eighteen chapters, the book was born from Rabbi Weinfeld’s articles that were published in the Kfar Chabad magazine. In these pages, the author focuses on practical strategies to live with complete trust in Hashem, as well as a life that is filled with unbreakable joy, regardless the circumstance.
The book is based on the introduction penned by the great Rabbi Bachya Ibn Pakuda to his own famous work, Sha’ar Habitachon in Chovas Halevavos.
The book was first published in Hebrew, and has been recently translated into English, edited by Rabbi Ahrele Loschak, an experienced English language translator and editor involved in many other works.
By: Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld Rov of Beis Eliezer Yitzchok in Crown Heights and popular Mashpia
Edited by: Rabbi Ahrele Loschak
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